
How to Approach Customers and Get Reviews

How to Approach Customers and Get Reviews

How to Approach Customers and Get Reviews

How to Approach Customers and Get Reviews

Aug 22, 2024

Learn easy, non-awkward ways to ask your customers for reviews. Build trust, boost your online presence, and get valuable feedback with these straightforward tips.

How to Approach Customers and Get Reviews

I think it's pretty obvious how important it is to get reviews and feedback from your customers.

It helps your business grow, builds trust, and lets you know what you’re doing right... or wrong. But asking for reviews can feel kind of awkward, right? Don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be. In this post, I’ll walk you through some really easy and effective ways to approach your customers and get those valuable reviews and feedback.

Why Reviews and Feedback Matter

Before we dive into the how, let’s quickly chat about why reviews and feedback are so important.

  • Builds Trust: Positive reviews help potential customers feel confident about choosing your business. When people see others have had a good experience, they’re more likely to trust you, too.

  • Improves Your Business: Feedback, whether it’s good or bad, is like a roadmap. It tells you what’s working and what needs fixing.

  • Boosts Your Online Presence: The more reviews you have, the better you’ll rank in search results. This means more people will find your business online. Now that we know why reviews and feedback are crucial, let’s talk about how to ask for them without feeling pushy.

1. Make It Easy for Them

The easier you make it for customers to leave a review, the more likely they are to do it. Here are a few simple ways to make the process smooth:

  • Send a Follow-Up Email: After a purchase or service, send a friendly follow-up email thanking them for their business. Include a link to your review page and a simple request for feedback.

  • Offer Multiple Platforms: Some people prefer Google, others might like Yelp, or even your own website. Give them options so they can choose the platform they’re most comfortable with.

  • Use Cheers Smart Badges: You can have your employees wear the Smart Badges, which enables customers to leave feedback - with just a single tap of their phone.

2. Ask at the Right Time

Timing is everything. You want to ask for a review when the customer is still thinking about their experience with your business. Here’s when to ask:

  • Right After a Purchase: If you run a restaurant, for example, ask for feedback when you bring the bill. If you’re a service provider, ask after the job is done and the customer is happy with the work.

  • During Follow-Up Calls: If you follow up with customers to check on their satisfaction, this is a perfect time to ask for a review. They’ll appreciate the extra attention and be more likely to share their thoughts.

  • After a Positive Interaction: If a customer just told you how much they love your product or service, that’s your cue! They’re in a great mood and more likely to leave a glowing review.

3. Be Genuine and Personal

People can tell when you’re being genuine, so don’t be afraid to be yourself when asking for a review. Here’s how to keep it real:

  • Use Their Name: Personalizing your request by using the customer’s name makes it feel more like a conversation and less like a form letter.

  • Express Gratitude: Start by thanking them for their business. Let them know that their feedback helps you improve and grow.

  • Be Honest: If you’re a small business, let them know how much their review means to you. People like to support businesses that are open and honest.

4. Incentivize (Without Being Pushy)

Offering a little incentive can go a long way, but you have to be careful not to come off as if you’re buying reviews. Here are some ways to do it right:

  • Offer a Discount on Their Next Purchase: A simple “Thanks for your review! Enjoy 10% off your next visit” can be a nice gesture without feeling like a bribe.

  • Enter Them in a Contest: Tell customers that by leaving a review, they’ll be entered to win a small prize, like a gift card or a free product.

  • Exclusive Access: Offer something special, like early access to a sale or a new product, to customers who leave feedback.

5. Use Social Media

Social media is a great place to connect with your customers and ask for reviews in a fun, non-intrusive way:

  • Share Customer Reviews: Post a positive review on your social media pages and thank the customer by name (if they’re okay with it). This encourages others to leave their own reviews.

  • Create a Call to Action: A simple post asking for feedback can go a long way. Make it fun by asking a question like, “What did you love about your last visit? Let us know!”

  • Host a Giveaway: Run a contest on social media where customers can enter by leaving a review. This not only gets you more reviews but also increases engagement with your brand.

6. Train Your Team

If you have employees, make sure they know how to ask for reviews in a way that feels natural. Here’s how to train them:

  • Role-Playing: Practice asking for reviews in different scenarios, so your team feels confident. The more they practice, the more natural it will feel.

  • Scripts: Give your team a simple script they can use when asking for reviews. Something like, “We hope you enjoyed your experience with us. If you have a moment, we’d love to hear your feedback!”

  • Make It Part of the Routine: Encourage your team to make asking for reviews a regular part of their interaction with customers. The more they do it, the easier it will become.

7. Respond to All Reviews

Whether the review is positive or negative, it’s important to respond. Here’s why:

  • Shows You Care: Responding to reviews shows that you’re listening and that you care about your customers’ opinions.

  • Encourages More Reviews: When people see that you take the time to respond to feedback, they’ll be more likely to leave a review themselves.

  • Builds Trust: Even if someone leaves a negative review, responding professionally can turn the situation around. It shows that you’re willing to make things right.

8. Be Patient

Remember, not everyone will leave a review, and that’s okay. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results right away. Keep asking, keep engaging, and over time, you’ll build up a solid base of reviews and feedback.

Final Thoughts

Asking customers for reviews and feedback doesn’t have to be hard or uncomfortable. By making it easy, asking at the right time, and being genuine, you can gather valuable insights that will help your business grow. Don’t forget to thank your customers and respond to their feedback. With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to collecting more reviews and improving your business!

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